Friday, June 29, 2012

Book 1, "Golden Snowflakes"

I'm really not sure why I started off using so much second person perspective. It's not like I used it for what second person is best used for either. I'm glad I did though, I think it eased me into narration.


Golden Snowflakes
Picture yourself standing by a lake. Its a clear night. Not one cloud in sight. Stars beaming, the moon gleaming. The lake is still. A perfect mirror to all that goes on above. You look into the lake, and you see the sky. You see a bright object in the sky space. You see it grow in its intensity. You start to see that it is not in space, but in our atmosphere. You look away from the lake up into the sky itself and see the object in more detail. The thing is still getting closer, and closer, and closer. You are expecting it to be comeing fast, but in fact it is slowly floating down. gracefully it lands stops its decent just above the lake. You see what it is. Its a golden, glowing figure, a person. It begins touches the water once with its foot, breaking the perfect mirror reflection the lake had, sending ripples out across the water's surface. The figure begins to grasefully dance across the top of the lake, It leaves a trail of golden sparkles behind it. The sparkles then begin a floating decent into the water, and as they touch the surface of the water, they Briefely

shoot a beam of light, but only briefly, then they continue to float downwards to the bottom of the lake, not once loosing their luminessance, as they decend they reveal things in the dark lake, they show the fish, the plants, the rocks, (arrow pointing to the 'and' saying: "sunken pirate ship?") and a single sunken ship like craft. The sparkles of golden light never die, they just continue to glow at the bottom of the lake, in a lived like path set by the dancing figure. The golden figure then, in an instant begins to float upward, going back to whence it came, and leaving a trail of golden snowflakes all the way.


I've remembered this one for a while. When I wrote it I really had the image in my mind and the figure (a woman) and the golden flecks of light and the ship are all still so clear in my mind. I believe, I'm not 100% on this here, that this light that drifted to the bottom of the lake was meant to resurrect the ship at the bottom. The last excerpt as well as this one had to do with liquid light, an energy source that I meant for the people of this world (and possibly the world itself) would depend on. It mainly had to do with sky ships, pirates, floating islands, and a setting concurrent with those ideas.

This liquid light would work to power things, it could act as light (obviously), and it would also give off heat. The liquid light is also a lighter than air substance and so the sky ships had heavy quantities of this stuff and the islands had a mass of liquid light contained in their cores. Of course people learned how to manipulate this liquid light to serve a wide variety of needs, namely weapons.

These were two makeshift designs for liquid light guns, which are basically laser guns. As I type out these entries from Past Justin I realize that I would often spell something in various different ways in the same entry, sometimes even in the same paragraph. I imagine that shows an obvious lack of confidence in my ability to spell. I was constantly second guessing my spelling, and even today I'm not the best at spelling, thank Les Earnest for spell checker.

In grades 3, 4, and 5 I would constantly receive D's or F's on my spelling tests which really shot my confidence in the whole ordeal. In 6th grade I started out continuing receiving those poor grades until my teacher allowed me to start printing my answers (as opposed to writing in cursive like we were instructed to). After that A's and B's on nearly every spelling test, or at least that's how I remember it going down. As you can see from the pictures I've been taking my handwriting wasn't the best, and even today it's not that good. I like it now though, I feel like I've stylized it enough that it's a completely personal experience to write.

It took long enough though... 

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