Jingo, I think, is my favorite of Pratchett's books so far. I particularly liked this bit below.
The entire Watch was mustering. Vimes looked down at the sea of faces. My gods, he thought. How many have we got now? A few years ago you could count the Watch on the fingers of a blind butcher's hand, and now... There's more coming in! He leaned sideways to Captain Carrot. 'Who're all these people?'

Reading his books reminds me why I got into writing in the first place. Things don't need to make sense in books. I guess things don't always make sense here in the touchable world either though. I mean, look at love, or birthday candles, or, gosh, Baseball. Still, I love it when a book pulls off something that doesn't make sense. There's a nice spot in my mind that warms up when that happens.
Anyway, still haven't written much of anything. Game's coming along swimmingly though.
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